A Beauty So Rare

Alexander, Tamera. A Beauty So Rare. Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers. 2014.

beautyNot your typical Southern belle, Eleanor Braddock considers herself quite plain, quite tall and quite tired of the color pink. When Eleanor arrives at her Aunt Adelicia Acklen’s extraordinary mansion, she is expected to melt into high society, including her choice of a beau. Not part of the plan is Archduke Marcus Gottfried, posing as an under-gardener, nor is her dream of owning and working in her own restaurant. Though secrets ensue and plans rapidly change, Marcus and Eleanor find common ground, albeit not what is expected of them…

This book had me at the cover, captivated me through the story, and lead me to a new favorite author! Eloquently written yet with a softly imprinted message that beauty truly starts from within and spreads outward, I truly enjoyed every word in this novel. Though the second book in the Belmont Mansion series, I have not yet read the first book in the series, A Lasting Impression, but had no problems following. An absolutely charming book from cover to cover.

5 (out of 5) pennies

*I received a complimentary copy of A Beauty So Rare from Bethany House Publishers for my honest review*

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